The 8th spot could have multiple players filling it.
The Angels have a much stronger line-up in 2018. With that being said the 8th spot may be a mixed bag of players depending on the day. Luis Valbuena could find himself in this role a lot of the time when he is in the line-up. Valbuena hit for power from the left-side as he hit 22 last season and drove in 65 runs, the bad side of Valbuena is that he hit a platry .199 for the season and had a .294 OBP.
Valbuena will have a lot less pressure put on him this season as the Angels have a lot more offensive weapons which hopefully will allow Valbuena and possibly C.J. Cron to relax more at the plate when they are in the line-up. Cron or Valbuena could also both be traded before the season starts, so who knows what will happen with the eighth spot of the line-up.