It’s time for the Angels to start preparing for trade deadline fire sale

San Diego Padres v Los Angeles Angels
San Diego Padres v Los Angeles Angels / Ronald Martinez/GettyImages

It's no secret that the LA Angels have had a terrible first half of the season. The team did not look strong coming into the year, with barely any meaningful additions in the offseason and rookies looking to go through growing pains.

With that, the team does have some players that could be flipped around the All-Star break if not sooner. Angels general manager Perry Minasian and owner Arte Moreno need to fully embrace in a rebuilding season and get quality players that can make an impact down the road at the big-league level.

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Whether they are packaged together or shipped off to different teams, the Angels do have some players that could bring in respectable talent to their barren farm system. Guys like Tyler Anderson, Taylor Ward, Carlos Estevez and Luis Rengifo, among others, should help make that a reality.

All of these guys also have years of control attached to them, which should make them even more coveted. Estevez is the player with the least control as he'll hit free agency in 2025. However, the Angels can also eat money from both Estevez's and Anderson's contracts to get higher-quality talent.

Finding the right talent is what is the most concerning for the team right now because the front office has not been great at evaluating in recent years. Minasian needs to properly gauge the trade market and fill the holes in the organization that begin at the developmental level.

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Looking at what other teams are willing to offer is the bigger issue as Perry Minsasian will have to determine who will help the team in the long term. Teams like the Orioles, Phillies, Dodgers, and Braves are all looking for pitching and an outfielder.

It's always hard to correctly guess who will impact Major League rosters after being traded, but the Angels need to hit on multiple levels. Some teams that have gone full rebuild mode go over quantity of players in a trade over quality, and the Angels need to figure out a way to balance both.

If they can pluck a guy like Connor Norby from the Orioles or Griff McGarry from the Phillies — teams that are desperate to reach the World Series — then they could be in good shape. But this is the time for the front office to capitalize and finally set the franchise on the right path.